Upcycling not only benefits the environment, but it is also a way to obtain a low-cost decoration with objects that have lost their main function. This tutorial will show how to recycle the refrigerator grate to make it a decorative picture frame.
Surely on more than one occasion, you have seen an abandoned refrigerator next to a container. Or maybe you’re thinking about taking your old fridge to a clean point. In any case, there are parts of it that you can recycle, such as the rear grille.
Varga, Dekorella’s blogger, found two refrigerator racks resting on a container when she was on her way home. Far from looking at them as most of us used to do, it occurred to her that she could recycle them to create a decorative picture frame with her. She took both grills to his house to give them a second life.
Materials for recycling the grate of the refrigerator:
- Refrigerator grate (2)
- Knife and sandpaper
- Galvanic spray primer Pintyplus
- Pintyplus Evolution in gold and white color for accessories
From refrigerator grate to picture frames step by step:
Then you can see the whole process step by step to transform a refrigerator grate into a beautiful picture frame.
Prepare the support before painting:
All painting work requires prior preparation. In this project, the plastic covering the grid was first removed using a knife. Another option is to use sandpaper.
Once this first “pickling” step was carried out, it cleaned the surface of dust and particles with alcohol from burning.
Apply primer:
The next step was to apply primer. The primer is not only important because it facilitates the grip of the finishing paint. Depending on the type of primer used, extra protection is provided to the object to be painted.
In the case of the grate of the refrigerator, Pintyplus Tech galvanic primer was used silver color. This primer is especially indicated to protect metal surfaces from corrosion.
Apply the paint:
It is recommended to wait about 24 / 48h until the primer has dried definitively and it`s sealing action is 100% effective. After this period of time, you can apply the final coat of paint.
In this project,was used for the refrigerator grates Pintyplus Evolution Gold . This paint dries very quickly, in just 15 minutes it is dry to the touch.
Another option would have been to use galvanized Pintyplus Tech galvanized primer directly. In this way, it would have provided the golden tone you were looking for without having to apply paint after priming.
After carrying out all the steps indicated above, this is how the photo frame is finally finished. The Pintyplus Evolution gold finish, in contrast to white, gives it a touch of elegance.
In addition, the different models of washi tape to decorate the clips are very decorative.
What did you think of this idea to recycle the refrigerator grid in a picture frame? We hope that you have been inspired to encourage you to recycle objects.
You will get a lowcost and personalized decoration, at the same time that you preserve the environment.
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Pintypluser: Dekorella