What a great way to personalize all types of objects and it’s easy and inexpensive. This technique uses water as a base, float the paint on the surface and you can mix many different colour combinations . It originated from Japan, known as ink floating. It’s a very simple and fun way to create unique and special items. Marbeling with spray paint Pintyplus!
Materials for marbling
- Pintyplus Basic spray paint
- Water
- Glass or plastic container
- Stick and gloves to mix
Marbled spray paint on a cup
Now we will see how co-Panama hat will transform this simple white mug with this MARBELING technique.
No 1 Prepare the paint
- Fill the water reservoir.
- Choose your three paint colours. At a distance of about 20cm spray the water surface.
- One to the right, one to the left and one in the middle.
- Then mix the paint with a stick. Be quick, the paint is dry in a few minutes.
No 2 Paint the cup
- Just dip the cup into the water to let the paint cover it.
- Let it dry for 20 minutes until the paint has solidified.
Full video channel of Jipijapas:
Pintypluser Jipijapas
Have a look at this fun idea from Idea yourself, he used a technique of swirling or churning the water. Great ideas with decorated bottles and soft drink can.
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