
How to renew a mirror frame with spray paint

Among other things, the spray is used to renew old objects that have lost their beauty. More now, it’s so fashionable to buy second-hand items and rehabilitate them. Today we will show you how to renew a mirror with Pintyplus Evolution Rose Gold spray paint. This mirror was bought on a second-hand website and is perfect for painting with spray.




Step by step: how to renew a mirror with spray paint in three steps:

Renewing your mirror (or any similar object) is going to be very simple because it involves cleaning the surface and applying the spray paint. . Doing it’s very easy because the Pintyplus spray is specially designed to be easy to use. Put another way: painting with spray is very easy if you use Pintyplus!

1º.- Sanding and cleaning to apply the spray paint:

Sanding the surface that we are going to paint is very important to eliminate any unevenness. Spray paint is very effective and useful because it allows you to paint quickly and achieve a perfect finish very easily. But it is essential to have the surface prepared for that purpose: smooth and clean.


2º.- Protect with masking tape the parts that we do not want to paint with spray:

The second step is to cover the parts that we don’t want to paint with spray. In this way, when we pulverize, we will cover only those parts where we want to use spray paint.


3º.- Paint with Pintyplus Evolution Rose Gold spray paint:

Now it’s time to paint. We pulverize about 25 or 30 cms away. For narrow surfaces it is ideal to paint giving small consecutive strokes. First in horizontal and then in vertical, or vice versa. You will see that painting with the spray is very easy and doesn’t require any previous practice if we follow these simple rules. Giving fast blows and not concentrating too long in a single area will avoid paint drops that can annoy the finish.



We have our project ready! Do you like it? How you can see the Rose Gold is an elegant and precise color that will give a lot of presence to our objects. If you click here you will see another project made with Rose Gold. In addition, you can see more works on Instagram and Facebook.
