Jewelry is a creative art in which shine is essential. Craftwork is as old as the world. A vocation that requires great artistic gifts to live up to market demand. To meet the demands of professionals in the sector, in Pintyplus we have the range of Diamond spray paints that every jeweler must have in his workshop to paint jewels.
An artist of what represents the so-called author jewelry is found in the figure of Nicolás Estrada. A jeweler of international prestige, born in Medellín who lives in Barcelona since 2000. He received awards and recognition thanks to his intense and long professional career.
His advice helped to create Pintyplus Diamond, the range of paintings designed especially for the world of jewelry. Estrada validated the quality of the products and the color range of this type of spray paint. The results of its application are a guarantee to meet the demands of the professionals.
In addition to the design and development of new pieces, the jewelers are dedicated to the repair and restoration of jewelry. Therefore, it’s advisable to use the Pintyplus Diamond Spray Cleaner, an ideal product for cleaning parts and tools that are part of the daily activity of jewelry workshops.
Jewelers are people of clear ideas, very perfectionist, professionals because their trade requires it. There are no errors, the jewels must be well polished, without any dust or dirt. An indispensable element for this task is the Pintyplus Diamond Spray Blower that expels gas under pressure. It’s ideal for small pieces, brightness is the most important feature to add value to any piece and with this type of spray product, is easily achieved.
Jewelry is a sample of artistic talent that requires techniques that guarantee a good creative result. The agility and the economy of the material in the elaboration of the pieces are virtues that are recognized in the outstanding professionals of the sector. In addition, they are fundamental aspects of the repair of old jewels. The Pintyplus Diamond range is completed with two varnishes that serve to protect the jewels from rusty.
Each jewel is unique and precise of a well-refined technique. The experience is acquired with patience, meticulousness and good practice of work in the workshop. For this, it’s essential to have the Pintyplus Diamond Spray Lubricant, is a special oil developed specifically for workshops and jewelry stores. It is also antioxidant and anticorrosive.
Jewelry is a professional activity in which you have to perform day by day always attending to the new trends in the sector. The new artistic challenges, the manufacture of new jewels according to fashion trends.
Rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings … precious and valuable objects that make different skills necessary to finish the work in an attractive way. Therefore, we recommend Pintyplus Diamond, the range of spray paints that every jeweler should have in their work-shop.
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