All about how to paint with spray paint
Painting is the fastest and most effective way to transform the decoration of any room or object.
Do you want to paint a piece of furniture? A painting? Walls? Wood? Metal? Plastic? Ceramic? … Do you want to paint like a professional?
When we paint at home, we give a new air, a new life, it is similar to doing comprehensive reform. With the use and the passage of time, friction, wear, scratches and even scribbles accumulate – if there are little ones at home – and by changing the colors of things, we are not only “cleaning” them but we are completely changing their initial appearance.
At home, if we use light tones, we give the sensation that the meters are stretched; if we give more intense tones, space will look more welcoming and collected; If we opt for the glossy finish, it will give the feeling that you have opened a new window in the living room …
The transformative power of spray paint is enormous.
If you dare to paint your house, with Pintyplus you have a wide range of colors to choose from. Special paints for each material, walls, wood – frames and doors -, metals – door trims, curtain hooks, and even radiators with Pintyplus TECH Spray Paint for radiators.
Today I leave you some tricks, tips, and ways to proceed so that you can make a radical change with Pintyplus as if you were a professional. Easy, fast, and cheap! , managing to give everything you do a perfect finish.
1. Plan where to start
Prepare the material: check that you have everything – painter’s tape, plastic, and protective paper, putty, sandpaper, spatula, paint, and enamel -). If you have old sheets or rags you can save on plastic.
2. Try different colors to get it right.
Choose colors: if you doubt the color, make tests with the ones you like best on walls, especially those where the light falls differently, and look at them at different times of the day. Keep in mind that when the tones dry, they raise the intensity of the color somewhat. You can also try it on door frames and other objects you want to paint.
A special color? With the Pintyplus HOME spray paint, you have no problem, we have a very extensive palette of color references to choose from.
3. Prepare well the walls, frames, doors, and all the objects that you decide to paint
If they are in poor condition, you have to sand well, clean the dust, give them a primer and putty before painting. Paint, by itself, does not remove blemishes.
Materials on which you can apply Pintyplus Home
- Wood in general, chipboard or conglomerate and DM.
- Glass, clay, ceramic, and tiles, with previous Universal Pintyplus Primer.
- Paper, cardboard or foam board, rubber, cork, and foams in general.
- Vegetable fibers such as bamboo, hemp, felt.
- Methacrylate and polycarbonate, Metals except for aluminum.
- Hard plastics, rigid, transparent, flexible, and forex PVC, with Plastic Primer and Soft Plastic, nets, and bags made of polyethylene, cellular polypropylene, and pores.
- Textiles such as wool, linen, or cotton, felt.
Watch out for damage? Putty small cracks and holes. Wait for it to dry, sand, and clean.
4. Protect furniture and surfaces
Put painter’s tape on the corners of ceilings, doors, and frames that are not made of wood – if they are made of wood, they will also need to be painted – and cover the tape of the blinds, baseboards, and if you cannot remove the switches too. Better paper than the cardboard on the ground, because the paper is flexible and repels more than cardboard.
5. Choose the most suitable paint
You can use Pintyplus Basic Spray Paint, the “all-rounder ” of spray paints. Solid colors.
6. Ceilings, corners, and walls
Start at the ceiling to avoid dripping onto the walls later. But if there are defects to caulk, start there and take the opportunity to paint corners.
7. Carpentry and wooden objects
Paint the doors and carpentry do not put painter’s tape on the wall to avoid staining it, since when you remove it you can lift the paint.
For wood, you can use Pintyplus Home spray paint as on the walls or Pintyplus wax in spray that protects and preserves natural wood and then paint the surfaces with Chalk finish spray paint Pintyplus. Ideal paint for decorative objects to which you want to give an antique style. This paint is formulated on a water-based basis and can be removed with water within the first 15 minutes.
8. Hours later, a second coat
Air the rooms well so that the paint dries well. In each format of pintyplus spray paint that you use, it indicates the drying time. Take a good look and follow the directions on the package.
9. Remove tape and do touch-ups
Once it has dried, remove the tape as soon as possible, if you leave it and it dries, there is a chance that it will break, take the paint with it. This way we avoid having to clean the glue trail and avoid damaging the paint and having to repaint that area.
Final touches. Once everything is clean, take a look and fix any possible damage.
And now that? Do you see yourself painting without a problem? Sure you do.
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