
Paint a wooden tray with Pintyplus spray

Spray painting on wood is very appreciated because this material is porous, and it easily achieves anchorage and makes the color look nice. Doing it with Pintyplus Home spray paint is doubly easy because it is a product with excellent technical characteristics designed for any user.

Pink is a color widely used in decoration because it is cheerful and creates a good atmosphere in our home.

In this tutorial, we are going to paint a wooden tray with the Ancient Rose color from Pintyplus Home acrylic spray paint to paint all your household objects.

Materials needed to spray paint wood

Clean the surface before painting

First of all, and as is always recommended when painting an object with spray paint, it is recommended that the object or surface be clean and free of residue that could hinder the action of the paint.

The next step is to paint it a pink color. The range of Pintyplus Home spray paints is very easy to use due to a series of outstanding technical characteristics:

  • It is a spray paint that is very easy to use because it is very intuitive
  • It has great coverage in a single pass, managing to give or change the color of the object or surface in one go.
  • It has a great performance of 3 square meters on ideal surfaces
  • Does not smell as it is water-based
  • Does not generate dust cloud
  • Does not pick up
  • Can be instantly repainted with another Pintyplus Home color
  • Delicate materials such as expanded polystyrene or cork can be painted

You will see that painting the wooden tray with this water-based acrylic paint is very simple. We recommend the following steps to avoid problems when painting the tray.

The water-based spray paint Pintyplus Home is extremely easy to use. Always recommend before painting to clean the surface, to be dry and free of any contaminants, especially avoiding oils, greases and silicones because will repel the layer of paint. We recommend testing the paint in a small area to see if a previous layer of primer is needed. 

1. Shake the spray vigorously for about 30 seconds after hearing the balls sound. Strongly recommended to test before painting on a piece of paper and measure the proper spray distance. Each job may require a different distance depending on the object you are going to paint. The larger the surface to be painted is, the more we need to increase the distance of spraying from the object. Likewise, the recommended distance is about 15-20 cm.

2. Paint cross-cross layers. Meaning that you need to paint from the top to bottom and then from one side to the other side in order to perfectly cover the entire surface. Sometimes it’s not necessary if you have adequate control of the spray. This paint covers a lot and facilitates its use.

3. Invert the spray cans upside-down and press the nozzle until only gas comes out once finished the process of painting is. In this way, we will clean the paint circuit and prevent it from clogging to be able to use it on future occasions.

4. Can be removed with soap and water in the first 15 minutes (before it dries) in the case was stained by an object accidentally.

Decorate with acrylic spray paint

For this object, we are going to decorate it with some templates to paint flowers and leaves. To do this we are going to place the template and protect the rest of the surface that we have already painted with our Pintyplus Home Ancient Rose spray.
We apply a thin layer on each template located on the side of the tray with a white color of the same range.


Finally, if the object is going to have a lot of use, it is ideal to protect it with a spray varnish. In this case, a matte one to preserve the look of this type of color.

You can see that the result is impeccable and how easy it is to decorate the objects in a house with Pintyplus Home.

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