
Give your old bike a second chance and turn it into a beautiful and original decoration for your garden

We are all aware of how important it is to contribute to caring for our planet, giving a second use to objects that we no longer use or that are apparently single-use. So we have taken this fruit box and transformed it into a laundry basket with Pintyplus Home.

What we need to paint our laundry basket with Pintyplus Home:

  • A can of Pintyplus Home
  •  A used plastic fruit box


The first thing is to pass with the paint, at a distance of about 30cm. These boxes usually have many nooks and crannies, so it is interesting to change their position so that we do not have any unpainted holes left.

Is it necessary to move the boat before painting?

Yes, it is essential. We will move the spray for 1 minute shaking vigorously so that the components of the paint are mixed and the paint comes out homogeneously. If we see that there are nooks and crannies left uncovered, we can make more passes, but not bring the boat closer than the recommended distance. In this way, we will prevent the paint from sagging.
Once dry we can give one or two coats of varnish so that it is well protected when used.

Trick: it is highly recommended to give a pass primer for plastics. With objects of mu

The result is spectacular. How about?

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